Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One of my favorite things... (Day 34)

is the Eiffel Tower!!! Four years ago this month my best friend and I took a fantastic trip to Paris! It was just for a long weekend, but it was so much fun!!! My cousin lived there at the time and showed us so many amazing things. By far, my absolute favorite thing in Paris was the Eiffel Tower! There is just no way to describe how big and magnificent it is! It is just a beautiful piece of architecture. Once I got home I slowly began collecting Eiffel Tower things...I have a lamp, night light, many paintings, some small trinkets and this clock. My plan is to have a Paris themed room in our house so I can sit and dream of visiting Paris again someday!


  1. Cool, Pari!! I'm imagining all the thrill of that trip!!

  2. How neat that you got to go to Pars! Did you get to visit the Louvre?

  3. We did go the Louvre, but it was a very quick run through! :) Saw the Mona Lisa though!
